
Design of a Ball-shaped Robot with Stereovision-based Localization

  • 摘要: 针对目前球形机器人定位问题,提出了基于立体视觉定位的球形机器人BYQ-6b.采用双目相机实时地获取周围环境连续的图像序列,并提取图像特征.通过左右帧图像的特征匹配、前后帧图像的特征跟踪以及运动估计算法等获得球形机器人在前后帧图像之间的运动增量,最后获得球形机器人的全局位姿.详细介绍了BYQ-6b球形机器人的机械结构、控制系统以及立体视觉定位的实现方法.实验结果验证了所提出的系统设计与立体视觉定位方法的可行性.


    Abstract: In view of the existing localization problems of ball-shaped robots, a ball-shaped robot BYQ-6b with stereovision-based localization is proposed. A binocular camera is used to capture real-time image sequences of the environment around the robot. Features are detected, matched between left and right images, and tracked in the image sequences. An egomotion algorithm is adopted to estimate the frame-to-frame incremental motion of the BYQ-6b robot, and finally the robot's global pose is obtained. The ball-shaped robot BYQ-6b are presented in detail about its mechanical structure, its control system and the implementation of the proposed stereovision-based localization. The experimental results demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed system design and the stereovision-based localization.


