
Motion Analysis of a Spherical Robot with Climbing Ability

  • 摘要: 针对目前球形机器人爬坡能力不强的问题,设计了一种新型机构,在球形机器 人的长轴方向上与本体固连两个可伸出和展开的手臂机构.遇陡坡时,手臂伸出后支撑在路面上,球 形机器人将不再依靠重摆的驱动,而是通过电机直接驱动球壳.深入分析对比了手臂伸出前后的爬坡能力,并建立 了爬坡时直线运动的动力学模型,对手臂伸出后的球形机器人进行了路径规划.最后通 过仿真和试验验证了力学模型的准确性.


    Abstract: For the problem that the climbing ability of existing spherical robots are not strong enough, a new spherical robot mechanism is designed. There are two extendable arms fixed to the spherical body in the direction of body's long axis. When climbing a slope of great gradient, the arms extend and support the body on the road. After arms extension, the robot is driven by motor directly, relying no longer on the pendulum. Then, analysis and comparison of climbing ability before and after arms extension are made, and the dynamic model of linear motion is established when robot climbing, also the path planning after arms extension is analyzed. Finally, the accuracy of the mechanical model is verified by simulation and tests.


