Optimal Trajectory Generation for Autonomous Landing of Rotorcraft on a Moving Platform for Air-ground Coordination
摘要: 旋翼无人机在移动平台上快速自主降落能够提升空地机器人的任务适应性和作业灵活性, 对提高任务响应速度和增强救援能力具有重要意义。为了使旋翼无人机在最短时间内安全降落到移动平台, 本文提出了一种最优升力分解轨迹生成方法, 旨在在升力有限的情况下, 最大化旋翼无人机的飞行性能。该方法首先对旋翼无人机的有限升力进行分解, 获得最优的3轴升力分配, 然后将非线性加速度约束转化为动态线性约束, 最后根据最优控制理论求解出最优飞行时间轨迹。仿真结果表明了本文提出的算法能够保证轨迹生成的准确性和稳定性, 并且该算法的计算效率高, 能够满足系统实际应用中的实时性要求。Abstract: The fast autonomous landing of rotorcraft on a moving platform can improve the adaptability and flexibility of air-ground robots, which is important for improving mission response speed and enhancing rescue capabilities. In order to achieve the rotorcraft landing on the moving platform in the shortest time, this paper proposes a trajectory generation method for optimal lift decomposition, aiming to maximize the flight performance of the rotorcraft with finite lift. The method decomposes the finite lift of the rotorcraft to obtain the optimal three-axis lift distribution, then transforms the nonlinear acceleration constraint into a dynamic linear constraint, and finally solves the optimal time-of-flight trajectory of the rotorcraft according to the optimal control theory. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can ensure the accuracy and stability of trajectory planning, and the algorithm has high computational efficiency, which can meet the real-time requirements of the system in practical applications.