
A Review of Soft Robot Modeling and Control

  • 摘要: 由于软体机器人具有超高冗余、大变形以及非线性等特点,如何精准控制软体机器人实现预期目标的抓取和操作,一直以来都是研究人员广泛关注的问题。本文根据是否建立机器人数学模型、是否采用传感器反馈以及采用何种控制算法将现有软体机器人控制技术划分为基于模型的控制与无模型控制、开环控制与闭环控制、经典控制与智能控制3个类别,分别阐述软体机器人在建模、反馈以及控制算法方面的研究现状并进行归纳总结。最后,讨论了软体机器人控制技术面临的问题和挑战,并对未来软体机器人控制技术的发展进行了展望。


    Abstract: Soft robots have such features as hyper redundancy, large deformation, and nonlinearity, and its precise control for grasping and manipulating the desired objects is a widely concerned problem. In this paper, the existing soft robot control technologies are divided into three categories: model-based control and model-free control, open-loop control and closed-loop control, classical control and intelligent control, according to whether to establish a mathematical model of the robot, whether to use sensor feedback, and what kind of control algorithm to be used. The research statuses of soft robots in modeling, feedback, and control algorithm are expounded and summarized, respectively. Finally, the problems and challenges of the soft robot control technology are discussed, and its future development is prospected.


