
Applications of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle in Submarine Hydrothermal Fields: A Review

  • 摘要: 聚焦自主水下机器人在海底热液区的应用进展,首先介绍了国内外用于热液探测的自主水下机器人的研究现状,提出了热液区地形地貌探测、水体环境探测、地球物理场探测和样品采集等代表性应用需求,并回顾了中国“潜龙”系列自主水下机器人在热液区的应用成果,最后展望了有望推动热液区科学探索和硫化物资源勘探的自主水下机器人未来技术发展方向。


    Abstract: Applications of autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) in submarine hydrothermal fields are reviewed. Firstly, the development status of AUVs for hydrothermal exploration at home and abroad is introduced. Then, the representative application requirements in the hydrothermal field such as topography, water environment and geophysical field detections and sample collection are proposed. The great achievements in submarine hydrothermal fields by Chinese Qianlong AUVs are also demonstrated. Finally, the technical development tendency of AUV to promote hydrothermal fields research and sulfide resources exploration in the future is prospected.


