
Review on the Latest Research Progress of Micro-Nano Robots

  • 摘要: 对2017~2021年微纳米机器人(尺寸介于1 nm~1 mm之间)的最新研究进展进行了综述。首先从物理驱动、化学驱动、生物驱动和混合驱动4个角度对微纳米机器人在微纳米操作、集群控制、靶向治疗等方面的最新研究成果进行总结。然后从制备、定位和成像、功能化、集群等方面分析了微纳米机器人应用中面临的挑战。最后对微纳米机器人的研究进程进行总结,对未来发展趋势进行展望。


    Abstract: The latest research progresses of micro-nano robots (size ranges from 1 nm~1 mm) in the years of 2017~2021 are reviewed. Firstly, the advances of micro-nano robots in micro-nano manipulation, swarm control and targeted therapy are reviewed from four perspectives: physical propulsion, chemical propulsion, biological propulsion and hybrid propulsion. Then the potential challenges to the applications of micro-nano robots are discussed from preparation, localization and imaging, functionalization, and swarm. Finally, the research progresses of micro-nano robots are summarized and the development trends are prospected.


