
Local Path Optimization for Nuclear Inspection and Emergence Robot Based on Efficiency and Security Mechanism

  • 摘要: 为了提高核电站巡检与应急机器人的工作效率,针对核电站巡检环境与应急处置任务的特殊性,提出了一种适用于核电站巡检与应急机器人的有效局部路径优化方法.首先,在对核电站巡检与应急机器人运动建模的基础上,运用福克-普朗克方程求解伊藤过程得出核电站巡检与应急机器人沿直线和圆弧的动态运动分布函数,并搭建实验平台通过反复实验匹配准确的动态运动分布参数.基于此,提出效率与安全机制,将该机制应用于局部路径的再优化.实验表明,该方法能够在执行核电站巡检与应急任务的过程中对核电站巡检与应急机器人的路径进行再优化,提高任务执行效率.


    Abstract: In order to improve the efficiency of nuclear inspection and emergence robot (NIER), a local path optimization method based on the characteristics of NIER task in nuclear station is designed. Kinematic model of NIER is established and described, and the distribution function of NIER along a line and an arc is derived by using Ito Fokker-Planck equation. A correct distribution is come out after fitting the distribution function with the point clouds from a special experiment. Then an efficiency and security mechanism is presented to perform local path re-optimization. The experiment shows the the proposed method can re-optimize the NIER path and improve the efficiency especially in NIE operation.


