
Mechanical Design of Frog Inspired Swimming Robot

  • 摘要: 为研制仿青蛙游动机器人,设计了游动机器人机构.首先通过分析生物青蛙结构,设计仿青蛙机器人的原理样机.选择气动肌肉作为驱动器,分别驱动髋、膝、踝关节的转动,并采用钢丝传动结构,将膝关节气动肌肉安装在躯干上,从而有效减小了腿部的质量.建立了机器人系统的运动学模型并进行机器人运动学分析.分析了青蛙游动过程中的水下受力,并将水的作用力引入ADAMS仿真环境中,模拟了青蛙游动中的水环境,从而进行动力学仿真分析.最后对所研制出的仿青蛙游动机器人进行水下游动实验,其推进阶段平均速度达到339mm/s.通过对比分析发现在动力学仿真和样机实验两种不同方法下机器人后肢运动形式基本一致,从而验证了仿青蛙游动机器人原理样机设计的可行性.


    Abstract: A swimming mechanism for frog inspired robot is designed. Firstly, the prototype of the frog inspired robot is designed through analyzing the biological structure of real frogs. Pneumatic muscles are selected as the drivers to drive the rotational motions of hip, knee and ankle joints. The knee driving muscle is positioned on the body, driving the knee joint through steel wires, and therefore, the leg mass is reduced. Then the kinematics model of the robot system is established and analyzed. The forces exerted on the frog are analyzed and introduced into simulation environment in ADAMS, so the water environment is simulated and the dynamic analysis is conducted. The underwater swimming experiments of the frog swimming robot are carried out, and average velocity in propulsive phase is 339mm/s. Through the comparative analyses of the two different methods, by dynamics simulation and prototype experiments, the motion patterns of the robotic hindlimb are basically the same. Accordingly, the feasibility of the designed frog inspired swimming robot can be verified.


