
A Unified Representation of the Actuation Signals of Earthworm-like Locomotion RobotsBased on Travelling-Wave Functions

  • 摘要: 提出了基于行波函数的仿蠕虫移动机器人驱动信号统一表征方法.首先,针对连续型仿蠕虫移动机器人,推导了基于行波函数的驱动信号表达式,并提出了驱动信号波形生成函数的构造方法.然后,针对多单元仿蠕虫移动机器人,修正了基于行波函数的驱动信号表达式,并证明了多单元机器人的驱动信号表达式可以转化为连续型机器人的驱动信号表达式.最后,简单介绍了当存在以不同波速传播的驱动信号时和当不同部分上的驱动信号波形生成函数不相同时的驱动信号表达式.将本文提出的方法应用于一个连续型仿蠕虫移动机器人和两个多单元仿蠕虫移动机器人,新驱动信号表征方法和原驱动信号表征方法得到了相同的结果,表明本文方法具有很强的适用性.


    Abstract: A unified representation of the actuation signals of earthworm-like locomotion robots based on travelling-wave functions is proposed. Firstly, the expression of the actuation signals based on travelling-wave functions is derived for the continuum earthworm-like locomotion robots, and a method is presented to construct the waveform generation functions of the actuation signals. Secondly, the expression of the actuation signals based on travelling-wave functions is reformulated for the multi-segment earthworm-like locomotion robots, which can be transformed into that of the continuum robots in the following mathematical proof. Next, the actuation signal expressions are briefly introduced when there are actuation signals with different wave speeds and when there are different waveform generation functions of actuation signals on different parts of the robot. Finally, the representation proposed is applied to a continuum earthworm-like locomotion robot and two multi-segment earthworm-like locomotion robots. Both the original actuation signal expressions and the new ones get the same results, showing the great applicability of the proposed representations.


