
Best Grid Size of the Occupancy Grid Map and Its Accuracy

  • 摘要: 针对占据栅格地图最佳栅格大小缺乏理论计算方法的问题,提出了以准确度与信息量为变量的代价函数来评估占据栅格地图的精度,从而获得最佳栅格大小的方法.首次提出了以“有义地图率”来表征占据栅格地图准确度的新概念,并通过数学推导给出了有义地图率的理论计算方法,揭示了栅格大小、传感器精度与有义地图率之间的关系,并以栅格数量来表征地图信息量.最后,通过仿真验证了有义地图率计算公式的正确性,同时通过RplidarA2雷达测扫实验验证了所提出的最佳栅格大小计算方法的正确性,进一步证实了有义地图率是地图的一种本征属性.


    Abstract: To build a theoretical framework of the best grid size of occupancy grid map, a cost function with correctness and information amount as variables is put forward to evaluate the accuracy of occupancy grid map. As a result, the best grid size can be figured out by the cost function. Significant map rate is presented for the first time to evaluate the correctness of an occupancy grid map. Through mathematical derivation, its theoretical calculation approach is obtained to build the relationship with the grid size and sensor accuracy. Also, the total number of grids is used to characterize the information amount. Simulation results show that the theoretical calculation method of significant map rate is valid. Meanwhile, the scanning experiments with RplidarA2 radar show that the proposed calculation method of the best grid size is correct, demonstrating that the significant map rate is a characteristic parameter of a map.


