An Interactive and Microcomputer-based Simulation System for Robot Motion
摘要: 本文介绍了一个基于微机的交互式机器人仿真系统(IMBSSR),该系统由若干个主程序和子程序模块组成,能对机器人进行运动学、动力学和轨迹规划仿真分析,并能显示机器人结构简图和运动特性曲线,文中详细介绍了该仿真系统的结构和所采用的算法并给出了程序框图.Abstract: This paper presents an interactive and microcomputer-based simulation system ofrobot(IMBSSR).The system IMBSSR consists of several main programs and subpr-ograms.It can be used to do analysis of kinematics,dynamics and trajectory ofrobots.Also,IMBSSR can display the structure graphic and curves of kinematiccharacteristics of robots.The paper gives a detailed introduction of structure andalgorithms of the IMBSSR the flow-chart of every algorithm is also given.