
Automatic Robot Initialization Using an Optical Reflection Sensor

  • 摘要: 本文叙述一种用光学反射传感器自动确定机器人在工作坐标中的起始参考位置的方法.装在机器人手爪边上的光学反射传感器与工作面上的T形目标相配合,用自动反复循环定位法确定机器人在工作坐标中的期望起始点.实践和理论分析表明,虽然开机时的机器人手爪的原始位置基本上是随机的,但手爪都能自动精确地收敛到期望的起始点上.


    Abstract: This paper describes an automatic initialization scheme for finding a point of coincidence between a robot's,internal coordinate system and the coordinate system of its work space.Our method uses an optical transmitter-receiver pair mounted on the end robot effector to scan a T-shaped planar target mounted on the work surface.An automated iterative method for moving a point on the end effector into precise coincidence with the expected point in the work space is shown to converge rapidly.


