
Structure Design of a Passive Type Dance Partner Robot

  • 摘要: 开发了一款轮式被动型舞伴机器人,机器人通过与人在直接身体接触条件下共同舞蹈,达到训练人类跳舞的目的.鉴于机器人与人直接接触时存在安全风险,提出了一种新颖的机器人被动结构,该结构采用制动器取代主动型机器人使用的电机等驱动器,因而机器人不能靠自身运动,只能根据人的作用力被动地运动,从而保障了更高的安全性.通过使用运动捕捉系统分析男性舞蹈者的舞步,确定了既不会与人类发生运动干涉又能尽量减小运动阻力的机器人车轮位置;此外,为了分析机器人的运动能力,引入了动力学可操作性,并最终确定了车轮的方向.最后,给出了机器人样机,通过作者与机器人实际跳舞实验证明了结构的合理性.


    Abstract: A wheeled passive type dance partner robot is developed.By dancing in cooperation with a human through direct physical interaction,the robot can train people to dance.Due to the existence of security issues in case of physical interaction with a human,a novel passive structure of robot is presented,which replaces the actuators such as motors used by active type robots with brakes,therefore,the robot can not move depending on itself,it can only move passively based on the force applied by human dancer,thus higher level of safety is guaranteed.By analyzing the steps of the male dancer with motion capture system,the locations of the robot's wheels are determined,which do not interfere with the human dancer and can minimize the motion resistance.Furthermore,the dynamic manipulability is utilized to analyze the motion capabilities of the robot so that the orientations of the wheels can be determined.Finally,a prototype is presented,whose structure is demonstrated to be feasible by actual experiment of dancing with the author.


