
A Survey on Robot Behavior Selection Mechanism

  • 摘要: 详细综述了现有的机器人行为选择方法及国内外研究现状,并讨论了行为选择机制研究发展的趋势,特别对受生物启发的机器人行为选择机制作了重点介绍.文章最后分析了机器人行为选择研究存在的问题并对以后的研究方向作了展望.


    Abstract: Behavior selection mechanism is one of the key issues in behavior based robotics.This paper presents a detailed review of the existing behavior selection mechanisms and the state of the art of current research,and then discusses the research trend in this area.Especially,biologically inspired robot behavior selection mechanisms and its future are introduced in detail.Finally,difficulties in robot behavior selection mechanism research are analyzed and the future research directions are forecasted.


