
Prototype Design of Rotatable Planetary Rover

  • 摘要: 给出了一种四面都可着地行驶、不怕翻转的星球探测车原型设计方案,着重解决了探测车翻转后失效的问题.在该方案中,采用了特殊的45度轮架机构,用八轮实现了每个侧面都有四轮着地行驶:研制了新型姿态传感器,实现了探测车的姿态判断:设计了太阳能储能供电装置,能保持太阳能板始终在车的上方,从而为探测车有效提供能源.实验显示这种探测车达到了预期的功能,在星球探测、人员搜救、军事侦察等领域有一定的研究应用价值.


    Abstract: Focusing on solving the problem of rover failure caused by overturn,this paper proposes a prototype design of planetary rover which can move on the ground with every side and can work normally when it is overturned.In this prototype,a special 45 degree wheel frame is adopted to guarantee that the rover can move stably with 4 wheels on the ground at every moment,while the number of the total wheels is 8.A new posture sensor is developed to measure the posture of the rover.For effective collection of solar energy,a solar power supply device is designed to keep the solar panel upturned when the rover is overturned.Experiments show that the rover gets the desired performance which brings about potential applications in planetary exploration,search-and-rescue and military reconnaissance,etc.


