
An Active SLAM Approach Based on Line Segment Feature in Indoor Environment

  • 摘要: 在SP模型的框架下,从激光扫描点中提取线段特征用于描述室内环境.提出一种基于最优控制的主动同时定位与建图方法;该方法综合考虑系统不确定性的大小和对环境的探索程度,为机器人确定最佳的控制输入,使机器人能够建立精确和完整的环境地图.在Poineer 3 DX移动机器人平台上进行了实验,实验结果验证了该方法的有效性.


    Abstract: In the framework of SP model,line segment features are extracted from laser scanning points to describe the indoor environment.An active simultaneous localization and mapping approach based on the optimal control is proposed. In this method,optimal control input is determined for the robot by comprehensively considering both the degree of system uncertainty and the level of environment exploration,so the robot can build an accurate and complete map of the environment. Experiments are carried out on the Pioneer 3 DX mobile robot platform and the results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach.


