
Research and Implementation of a Five-axis Grinding Robot Compensation Algorithm

  • 摘要: 通过分析基于模型的补偿方法和非模型补偿方法的优缺点,结合一个五轴磨抛机器人的结构特点,提出了两种补偿方法相结合的混合补偿算法.针对平移关节误差的主要来源难于建模的特点,采用非模型的方法进行补偿;针对转动关节误差主要来源为几何参数误差,能够建模,但有些参数随机器人末端位置不同而变化的特点,采用二者相结合的混合方法进行补偿.通过对该机器人系统的实验,验证了方法的有效性和可行性.


    Abstract: This paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of both model-based compensation and modeless compensation methods,and,by taking into consideration the advantages of the structure features of five-axis grinding robots,presents a hybrid robotic compensation method for these robots,which combines the advantages of each compensation method.For the translational joint error,the modeless compensation method is adopted since its main error sources are difficult to model,and for the rotational joint error,a hybrid compensation method is used since its error sources are mainly geometric parameters and some of the parameters vary with the motion of the robot end.Robot compensation experiments are made to demonstrate the effectivity and feasibility of the proposed method.


