
Analysis and Calculations of Parameters for Driving Mschanism of Hydraulic Control System of Underwater Manipulator

  • 摘要: 本文所介绍的水下机械手液压控制系统为一典型的具有变回油压力封闭式系统。文中阐述了此种系统液压动力机构的设计原理及静、动态参数的分析计算方法。对于在变回油压力下,由四通阀控制的非对称油缸的静态特性进行了详细的分析。给出了在不同回油压力下,不同面积比的非对称油缸、阀的负载压降及最大空载流量的变化规律。这对于确定水下机械手的液压动力机构的参数提供了依据。


    Abstract: The hydraulic control system of the underwater manipulator introduced in thisarticle is a typical,closed,changable return pressure system,This article explainesthe design principle of the hydraulic driving mechanism and the analyzing and calcu-lating methods of static and dynamic parameters,and it gives a detailed analysisof the static characteristics of unsymmetrical cylinder controled by four-way valveat changable retum pressure and also gives the law of variation of the valve's maxi-mum no-load flow and load pressure drop at different return pressure and at differ-ent area ratio of the cylinder.The article provides bases for determination of theparameters on the driving mechanism of hydraulic control system of the underwatermanipulator.


