
Position Control of a 3-DOF Horizontal Underactuated Robot

  • 摘要: 以水平运动的三自由度欠驱动机器人为研究对象,对其位置控制问题进行研究.基于分层控制思想提出一种模糊控制系统,将欠驱动机器人末端位置控制问题进行分解,末端位置由主动关节的旋转与被动关节的伸展或收缩组成.第1关节按照规划的曲线运动,第2关节和第3关节通过动力学耦合作用运动到期望位置.主动关节2的控制力矩或控制电压通过对模糊逻辑控制器的输出量进行加权求和得到.采用该控制原理,通过数值仿真和实验实现了3R欠驱动机器人在操作空间中末端点到点的位置控制.


    Abstract: Position control of a 3-DOF horizontal underactuated robot is investigated.A new fuzzy control system based on hierarchical control idea is proposed for this kind of robot.The endpoint position control of this underactuated system can be regarded as the folding or unfolding motion of the passive joint and the rotation of active joint.The first joint follows the predefined trajectory,and then the second joint and the third joint achieve the position control based on the dynamic coupling of each other.The control torque or voltage of the second active joint are determined by the weighted sum of the output parameters of fuzzy control.Using this control method,the numerical simulation and experiment of 3R underactuated robot for the tip point-to-point(FTP) position control are implemented in operational space.


