
A Path Planning and Following Algorithm Based on Twofold Interpolations

  • 摘要: 针对基于栅格地图的经典路径规划算法的不足,提出了一种双层插值的路径规划算法——T*算法.算法首先应用快速行军插值法生成目标波形图,波形图假设波以目标点为中心经四个邻节点向外扩散且沿波传播方向栅格效用值单调递增;然后在生成的目标波形图上采用线性插值法,从机器人当前位置沿着波逆向搜索一条到达目标点的平滑路径;得到规划的路径后,针对非完整约束的移动机器人,采用改进的虚拟车辆方法跟踪生成的路径.实验验证了算法的有效性.


    Abstract: Aiming at the deficiencies of traditional path planning algorithms based on grid maps,a twofold-interpolation-based path planning algorithm called T* is presented.First,using FMM(fast marching method) interpolation,a goal-wave map is obtained,on which wave is supposed to start at the goal node and propagate radiantly through four adjacent nodes, assigning monotonically increasing values to nodes.Based on the goal-wave map,a linear interpolation is used to search a smooth path starring from the robot's current position to the target point along the reverse direction of the wave.At last, an improved VVM(virtual vehicle method) is applied to tracking this generated path by a nonholonomic mobile robot.The experiment results demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach.


