
Experiments and Analysis of Cylindrical Dielectric Elastomer Actuators

  • 摘要: 为了获得一种结构紧凑的介电弹性体驱动器,以VHB4910为驱动材料,设计、实现了圆柱形驱动器.通过对比试验得到的驱动器(有效长度为45mm)最大能够产生8.5 mm的位移,有效区仲长应变达到18.89%.采用Yeoh超弹性模型对驱动器进行有限元仿真,得到驱动器的输出位移为6.24mm.仿真与试验结果较吻合,文中分析了仿真与试验结果之间产生差别的原因.网柱形介电弹性体驱动器的研究可为该类驱动器的设计、分析与应用提供指导.


    Abstract: In order to obtain a kind of compact dielectric elastomer actuator,a cylindrical actuator is designed and manufactured using VHB4910 as the actuating material.In the contrastive experiments,the maximum displacement of 8.5 mm can be achieved,and the elongation strain of active area is up to 18.89%(the active length of actuator is 45 mm).Yeoh hyperelastic model is used for finite element simulation of the actuator,and a displacement of 6.24 mm is calculated.The simulation result agrees well with experiments,and the reason of deviation is analyzed.Research on cylindrical dielectric elastomer actuator will provide an instruction for the design,analysis and implementation of this kind of actuator.


