
Bilateral Teleoperation Based on Range Sensor

  • 摘要: 为了改善双边遥操作的力反馈性能,本文根据从端操作臂上的传感器检测的目标距离信息,设计了新的PD双边控制器.证明了系统的稳定性条件,并通过单自由度双边遥操作实验系统,对提出的控制方法进行了实验验证.实验结果表明,当从端操作臂靠近目标时,主端操作臂产生了逐渐增大的反馈力.这种控制策略为操作者安全实现遥操作任务提供了有效手段.


    Abstract: In order to improve the performance of the force feedback in bilateral teleoperation,a novel PD(proportion differential) bilateral controller is designed based on the distance information detected by a range sensor on the slave manipulator. Furthermore,the condition of the system stability is proved,and the control method is validated on a single degree of freedom blateral teleoperation experiment platform.The results show that the incremental force feedback from the master manipulator can be obtained when the slave manipulator moves close to the object.This control strategy is an effective method for the operator to securely accomplish the teleoperation mission.


