
A Method of Recognizing Shape Distorted and partially Occluded Workpieces

  • 摘要: 本文详细介绍了一种在有透视畸变和局部遮挡的情况下,对工件进行自动识别的方法。文章从理论上引入了一种对透视变换不敏感的形状描述方法,讨论了基于子段匹配的匹配技术。最后用一组实验结果,证明本方法在一定条件下是有效的。


    Abstract: This paper presents an algorithm for recognizing workpieces whose boundariessuffer from significant distortions caused by scalling,rotation,and partial occlusion.At first,a method of boundary description is introduced,in which main featuresare invariant or insensitive to shape distortions,Then a recognition method based onthe subsegment maching technique is discussed.Finally,a series of experimentalresults show that the algorithm works well.


