

  • 摘要: 近十年来,微型机器人的研究日新月异.由于微型机器人的本身特点,使得其移动机理和结构设计与普通的机器人操作手极为不同.本文试图说明电磁驱动式微型机器人的移动机理和结构设计;文章首先对电磁驱动式微型机器人的移动机理进行了分析,特别指出了其特殊的运动方式.由电磁铁作为驱动元件使脚部拍打本体而形成横向运动;文章认为机器人的运动可分为三个过程:起跳阶段,腾空阶段和下落阶段,这三个阶段循环往复而形成运动;而起跳阶段是积蓄能量的过程,腾空阶段是飞行前进并调整空中姿态的过程,下落阶段是与地面碰撞并滑动前进的过程,并对每个过程部进行了具体的数学分析,文章紧接着根据此机理设计了一微型机器人,文章最后给出了电磁驱动式微型机器人的整个系统并对实验结果和仿真结果进行了讨论,分析了本体与脚部的质量比、触发脉冲时序、脚部与地面的摩擦系数、电磁铁线回的通电电流等因素对机器人运动的影响,并由此给出了机器人的移动条件.


    Abstract: Recently, the studies of microrobot are more and more interesting. Due to the characteristic ofmicrorobot itself, its mobile mechanism and mechanical design are not the same as ordinary robot manipulator, This articie tries to analysis the mobile mechanism and design of the Electromagnetic Drive Microrobot.The article first studies the mobile mechanism of the Electromagnetic Drive Microrobot, especially of its special mobile mode : The robot moves crosswise by the feet slapping the mainbody driven with the electromag-net.The article considers that the robot’s movement can be devided into three parts: take-off phase, flight-phase and drop-down phase, these three processes circulate and make the robot move. Take-off phase is theprocess of accumulating energy. flight phase is process of rnodulating the robot’s posture in the air, dropdown phase is the process of coIIiding wIth the ground and sliding; The detailed mathematical analysis of theevery process is presented is this artide. Then the article designs a microrobot based on this mobile mecha-nism. At last the article gives out Electromagnetic Drive Microrobot ControI System and discusses some fac-tors which affect the Robot’s movement such as the mass ratio between the mainbody and the foot, triggerpulse frequence, the friction coefficient between the foot dnd the ground and the electromagnetic coil’s electriccurrent.The mobile conditions of the microrobot are thus given.


