
Life-like Brachiation Control of Underactuated Two-link Robot Based on Dynamical Servo

  • 摘要: 引入动态伺服理论研究了欠驱动双摆机器人的仿生悬摆运动控制.针对欠驱动双摆机器人的仿生悬摆运动控制,引入动态伺服理论解决摆臂末端对目标轨迹的跟踪问题;利用灵长类动物悬摆运动的类单摆特性,基于李亚普诺夫稳定性理论设计了反馈控制律,并分析了闭环系统的奇点及其对于系统收敛性的影响.欠驱动双摆机器人实物系统实验结果表明,文中所设计的控制策略是有效的.


    Abstract: With dynamical servo control theory introduced,life-like brachiation control of underactuated two-link robot is studied.For the life-like brachiation control of underactuated two-link robot,the dynamical servo theory is introduced to solve the problem of tracking a given trajectory by the terminal of swing arm.According to the pendulum-like features of primate's brachiation,a feedback control law is designed based on Lyapunov stability theory,and then the singular point in the closed loop system and their influence on the system's convergence ability are analyzed.The experiment results on a physical underactuated two-link robot show the effectiveness of the designed control strategy.


