
Microcomputer Control System of the Spray Painting Robot PJ-1

  • 摘要: 本文介绍了我国第一台微型机控制的多关节,电液伺服型喷漆机器人PJ-1的计算机控制系统的原理及软件.该系统以一台八位通用微型机为基础构成控制器.在单用户、多任务实时操作系统的支持下,采用软磁盘作为作业内容存储器,并把绝对位置量和采样间隔内的位移量进行组合存储.从根本上解决了喷漆机器人因作业记忆容量大带来的存储限制.


    Abstract: This paper describes the principle and software of micro computer control system of PJ-1 China's first spray painting robot with micro computer control and multi-articular manipulator and electro-hydraulic servo.This system uses a single 8-bit microcomputer and enjoys the support of REX,a uni-user multi-task real time operating system.The method of grouping storage of absolute positions and sample interval increments is adopted.Thus,the difficult problem of storage resulted in the large memory capacity needed by spray painting robot is essentially solved.


