
Goal-level Automatic Robot Programming——System and Approach

  • 摘要: 机器人自动程序设计中的关键技术是自动规划.引用作业级机器人程序设计的思想,本文提出目标级机器人程序设计的思想及其实现方法.它采用一称为目标模型网(GMN)的表示方法来表示机器人最终要达到的目标.借助于目标模型网表示,产生出二种形式的规划序列:串、并行混合与完全串行的规划序列.文章还讨论了由串、并行混合规划序列产生出完全串行的规划序列的问题.


    Abstract: The ability of a robot in automatic programming is crucial to any intelligent robot.An idea of goal-level robot progiamming,derived from that of task-level robor progra-mming,is proposed in this paper.By resorting to network notation,a new represen-tation scheme,by the name of Goal-Level Network(GMN),is formed,and emplo-yed to represent a goal which the robot is supposed to achieve.Consequently,twokinds of plan series are created,by the aids of GMN.One is a combination of paral-lel and sequential plan series,and the other is of sequential ones only.The genera-tion of sequential plan series from combinatorial ones is also considered.


