
The Dynamic Response of Robot with Links Fabricated from Composite Laminates

  • 摘要: 本文研究了具有柔性构件的操作机器人最佳复合材料结构参数及最佳构件横断面几何尺寸的确定。导出了矩形空心横断面的复合材料构件的阻尼和抗弯刚度的计算公式。进行了将阻尼取为被最大化的目标函数,刚度等限制条件取为约束方程的优化设计。用空间梁单元的有限元法建立了系统运动微分方程,并用数值积分法求解了该微分方程,求出了操作机器人执行构件端点的动态响应曲线,以显示系统残余振动的消失过程。


    Abstract: It is investigated to determine both the optimal fabrication parameter of compositelaminates and the optimal geometry size of link section for process robot with flexi-ble link,by developing the formulations on calculating the material damping andmoduli of flexural rigidity for hollow box members constructed with compositelaminates.In the optimal design of robotic manipulators,the objective function is the dam-ping capacity to be maximized subject to constraints imposed upon the flexural rigidityetc.In order to simulate the elastodynamic behavior of the end-effectors for processrobot mentioned above,and to show the disappearance process of the residual vib-ration of the mechanism system,the finite element of three dimensions is applied forthe mechanism system to establish the differentiating equations of motion for thesystem which is solved by the Newmark method of numerical integration.


