
Solving Inverse Kinematic Equation for Manipulators Using the Theory of Spherical Frame Vectors

  • 摘要: 本文首先介绍球面向量理论.在以点O为原点的所有右手坐标系的集合与以O为中心的单位球面上的所有球面向量的集合之间存在一一对应的关系.从而坐标系的旋转变换等价于球面向量在单位球面上的运动.通过解球面向量三角形即可达到研究坐标系旋转变换的目的.球面向量法是与“旋转矩阵法”和“旋转向量法” (即,四元数法)完全不同的一种新方法,不仅可以用来建立机械手运动学方程,而且特别适用于解逆运动学问题.本文介绍了如何用球面向量法解机械手运动学问题,并给出了几种适于常见机械手的具体解法.


    Abstract: In this paper we introduce a theory of spherical frame vectors.There is a one-to-one correspondence between the set of all right-handed coordinate frames with acentre O and the set of all spherical frame vectors at every point on the unit sphere with the centre O.The rotation trans formation from Ox0y0z0 to Oxyz can be described using spherical frame vectors,Then we study how to solve the spherical vector tri-angles,We can develope a method for writing kinematic equations and solving kine-matic equations for manipulators.Our methods are quite different from the methods of "Rotation matrices" and "Rotation vectors"(Quaternion).Finally we give some examples illustrating the solution of practical manipulators.


