
Speech Output Interface Study of a Robot

  • 摘要: 本文介绍了一种可用于机器人及计算机的汉语合成系统,该系统根据汉语特点,选择声母和韵母作为基元,考虑汉语语言学和语音学的规则,采用级/并混合结构的共振峰合成器,输入汉语拼音代码,能合成无限词汇的汉语句子和短文,结果令人满意.


    Abstract: This paper concerns the principle of speech output interface of a robot.Somemain issues,as follows,are detailed in the article,(1)selection of basic acousticunits which can be concatenated to generate utterances,(2)the rule of tonal modification,(3)consonant-vowel transition,and (4)hybrid formant synthesizer.Thetest written in Chinese phonetic symbols is conveyed into the system and the speech onunlimited vocabulary will be delivered by rule.


