
Autonomous Search Technology for Mobile Robots under Unknown Environments

  • 摘要: 将全区域搜索技术与基于动态模板匹配的目标识别方法相结合,提出了一种适用于未知环境的目标物体自主搜索方法,实现了移动机器人在陌生环境下的目标搜索任务.具体而言,移动机器人利用声纳和全景摄像头作为传感器来感知周围环境,并利用模糊逻辑方法来进行局部路径规划,在此基础上通过全区域搜索技术实现对空间的遍历,并采用动态模板匹配方法来实现目标物体的识别及其方位的确定.本文所提出的目标物体自主搜索方法可以从任意位置开始进行,算法对于陌生环境具有良好的适应性.论文最后通过实验结果证实了算法的良好性能.


    Abstract: By combining an area coverage algorithm with a target recognition method based on dynamic template match-ing,this paper proposes an autonomous search strategy under unknown environments which enables mobile robots to fulfill target searching task in unstructured environments.Specifically,sonar and omni-directional camera are utilized as sensors to detect the surrounding environments,and a fuzzy logic algorithm is adopted for local path planning to achieve a thorough search over the concerned area.Simultaneously,an image processing algorithm referred to as dynamic template matching method is proposed to recognize the target and determine its position.The designed search strategy can start from any initial position,and it exhibits exceptional adaptabilities over unstructured environments.Experimental results are provided to demonstrate the performance of the proposed search algorithm.


