
A Fast Strategy of Point Correspondence in Panorama Stitching

  • 摘要: 根据两幅图像间点对应的要求,利用像素所在区域强度的变化,提出了一种基于模板的区域权值标记边缘检测方法(TBAWSED).在此基础上提出了一种一种基于区域和基于特征相结合的快速点对应策略.在实际拍摄图像及合成图像的实验中均验证了该策略的有效性,在全景图像拼接研究的实践中,利用该策略求取图像的对应点,节省了大约50%的时间,证明了该策略中算法的高效率.


    Abstract: To meet the requirements of the point correspondence of two images, a Template Based Area Weight Signing Edge Detection Method(TBAWSED) using the region density feature is put forward, and a fast point correspondence strategy based on ABM(Area Based Method) and FBM(Feature Based Method) is presented. Its effectiveness is verified in test of real and synthetic images. The strategy is used in panorama images stitching, and about fifty percent of time is saved using this method, which proves its efficiency.


