
An Icon-Based Robot Programming Environment: Design and Implementation

  • 摘要: 为解决传统机器人文本编程不易于学习和使用的问题,设计了面向机器人的图标化简便编程环境.重点研究了图标化机器人程序语言的设计及其解释执行技术.通过图标化编程环境在工业机器人上的实现和应用,说明图标化编程技术相对于传统文本式编程技术的易用性和高效性.


    Abstract: In order to overcome the difficulties in the learning and using of traditional text-based robot programming me-thod,a simple and convenient icon-based robot programming method is designed.The emphasis is put on icon-based robot language design and its interpretive execution algorithm.The icon-based robot programming environment has been applied to and implemented in industrial robots,and the results show that this method is easy to use and highly efficient.


