
A New Robot Uncalibrated Visual Servoing Control Method with Double-loop Structure Based on Auto Disturbance Rejection

  • 摘要: 在研究基于自抗扰控制器的机器人无标定视觉伺服方法的基础上,提出了一种新的双环结构机器人无标定自抗扰视觉伺服控制方法.内环采用Kalm an滤波算法进行图像雅可比矩阵的在线辨识,可较好地逼近真实模型;外环采用自抗扰控制器,利用非线性观测器实时估计系统相对于当前估计模型的总扰动,并在控制中加以动态补偿.针对六自由度工业机器人进行了二维运动目标的跟踪实验,实验结果表明了该方法的可行性和有效性.


    Abstract: Based on the research on robot uncalibrated visual servoing control method using principle of auto disturbance rejection controller,a new robot uncalibrated visual servoing control method with double-loop structure based on auto disturbance rejection is presented.Online identification of the image Jacobian matrix using Kalman filter is performed in the inner loop for approximating the actual visual mapping model.The auto disturbance rejection controller is adopted in the outer loop,and a nonlinear extended state observer is used to estimate and compensate dynamically the system's disturbance for the estimated model.Tracking experiments with 2D moving objects are carried out in a 6DOF industrial robot.Experimental results show the feasibility and validity of this method.


