
Research on N-dimension Mechanic Interference Problem in Robot Control

  • 摘要: 本文提出了如何通过运动可行性检测和自动绕过机械干涉区来提高机器人自动化控制程度和控制质量的策略和算法.首先从二维和三维机械干涉问题入手,提出了各种可能的解法并作了相互比较,然后将其推广到任意维数.最后提出了处理N维机械千涉的两种可行的方法,给出了算法框图.


    Abstract: This paper advances some strategies and algorithms as to how to test the movementfeasibility and to evade the Mechanic Interference Zone automaticaly for improvingthe automatic control lever and control quality.First,some possible methods different from 2-dimension and 3-dimension MechanicInterference Problem are put forward and compared with each other.Then we extendone of the methods to any dimension.Finally,two feasible methods for N-dimensionmecthanic interference and the algorithm flow graphs are suggested.


