
Research on Traveling-capability of Pipeline Robot in Elbow

  • 摘要: 提出了一种描述管道机器人弯道通过性的数学模型,该模型由一组组合约束构成.通过对约束方程的分析讨论,得出了规律性的结论.管道机器人在弯道处的姿态、单元体的几何尺寸、行走轮结构形式对其通过性都有不同程度的影响.所提出数学模型是管道机器人弯道自主行走控制策略设计和相应结构设计的理论基础.


    Abstract: A mathematic model to describe the traveling-capability of pipeline robot in elbow is presented,which is composed of a set of constraint equations. The equations are discussed and the regular conclusions are derived. The pose,segment geometric dimensions and driving wheels structure when the pipeline robot is in elbow have different influence degree on traveling-capability in elbow. The mathematic model is a groundwork of autonomous navigation strategy design and relevant structure design of pipeline robot in elbow.


