
Degrees of Freedom of the Executing(Output)Member of Industrial Robot

  • 摘要: 本文提出了工业机器人在一些特殊位置及特殊结构时计算其执行构件自由度的矩阵法.用此法不必进行复杂的计算,仅按矩阵结构就可快速地确定矩阵的秩,从而确定机构在某些特殊位置及特殊结构时末杆失掉自由度的数目及其最大和最小自由度.文中给出了确定特殊位置及特殊结构的具体应用表格及计算自由度的实例.


    Abstract: This article presents a matrix-method for calculating the degrees of freedom of the executing(output)member of an industrial robot with specified construction and inspecified situation.Rank of the matrix,consequently the loss of degrees of freedom ofthe output member of the specified mechanism in a specified situation,and its max.and min.degree of freedom can be easily determined by the proposed simple methodinstead of tedious calculation.Tables for determing the peculiar situation and mechanism structure and examples of cclculating degrees of freedom are also given.


