
Error-Correcting Codes Applicable to Communications of Space Robot Teleoperation System

  • 摘要: 首先,介绍了一般机器人遥操作系统在通信中使用的差错控制技术.接着,根据空间机器人遥操作系统中通信信道的特点,提出采用Reed-Solomon(RS)码作为空间机器人遥操作系统的遥测数据和遥控数据的纠错编码,用软件实现了基于有限域的通用编译码算法.最后,分析了在空间遥操作原型系统中应用RS码后的误码性能.


    Abstract: Firstly the error control techniques applied to communications of common robot teleoperation systems are described.Then according to the communication channel characteristics of space robot teleoperation systems,Reed-Solomon(RS) code is recommended as the error-correcting codes for telemetry and telecommand data in space robot teleoperation systems.And the software implementation of a general RS code encoding and decoding algorithm in Galois field is introduced.In the end,the error probability is analyzed for a space robot teleoperation prototype system.


