
The Self-regulating Fuzzy Nonlinear Control of Roll DOF of Ankle Joint of Humanoid Robot

  • 摘要: 本文以关节位置误差和关节传动比的变化为输入,电机控制电压为输出,设计了带自调整因子的二维模糊伺服控制器.与原有的PID、前馈控制器相比,无论在悬挂状态还是在落地状态下,该方法均有效地减轻非线性传动对样机控制性能的影响,改善位置跟随的滞后问题,系统鲁棒性增强.


    Abstract: This paper presents a 2-dimension fuzzy controller with the inputs of joints position-tracking errors and joints transmission radio mutations,and the output of control voltages of DC brushless motors. Compared with the former PID-feedforward controller,this fuzzy controller effectively improves the servo performance,which is ever greatly influenced by the nonlinear transmission,especially almost eliminating the lags in joints position-tracking. Both in air and on ground,the robustness of the prototype system is enhanced.


