
Coordinated Stability Control of Tethered Space Robot for Capturing the Target

  • 摘要: 针对空间绳系机器人抓捕无控目标过程中的自身稳定控制问题,提出一种操作机械臂主动阻尼控制与利用空间系绳、反作用轮进行基体姿态稳定 控制相结合的协同稳定控制方法.文中首先建立了空间绳系机器人抓捕目标的动力学模型及与目标的接触碰撞模型,分析了抓捕过程中空间绳 系机器人及目标的运动状态,在此基础上设计了操作机械臂关节主动阻尼控制律以减小碰撞力对操作机械臂末端的冲击,结合基体姿态的变化 设计了滑模姿态稳定控制律,通过空间系绳和反作用轮提供基体所需的滑模姿态控制力矩.在抓捕目标仿真过程中对关节主动阻尼控制方法和 所提出的协同稳定控制方法进行比较分析,结果表明,本文提出的抓捕目标协同稳定控制方法能很好地稳定操作机械臂和基体,且空间系绳对 基体及目标的扰动影响很小,达到了空间绳系机器人抓捕目标时自身稳定的要求.


    Abstract: For stability control problem of tethered space robot for capturing uncontrolled target, a coordinated stability control method is proposed, which combines active damping control of space manipulator and attitude stability control of space base by using space tether and reaction wheel. Firstly, the dynamics model for capturing the target, contact and impact model between tethered space robot and target are established, and movement states of tethered space robot and the target are analyzed. Next, the active damping control law of space manipulator joint is introduced in order to reduce the impact force on the end of space manipulator. A sliding mode attitude control law is designed based on changing attitude of space base, and the control torque required by space base is supplied through space tether and reaction wheel. The proposed coordinated stability control method is analyzed and compared with the joint active damping control method in the simulation process of capturing the target, and the results show that the proposed method can keep space manipulator and space base stable, and the interferential influence of space tether on space base and target is tiny, which meets the stability requirements for capturing the target of tethered space robot.


