
Design and Control of a Snake Arm Robot

  • 摘要: 针对现有蛇形机械臂驱动机构繁琐、整机体积过大、模型建立复杂等问题,设计了一种新型蛇形机械臂.采用杠杆型驱动结构,利用1个伺服电机同时控制2根驱动绳索,从而减少驱动数量、降低能耗.利用正交关节实现位置闭环控制,简化运动学模型.同时,针对蛇形机械臂的不同工作环境,提出尖顶从动控制策略及基于位置闭环的控制方法.前者提高了机械臂的柔顺性,控制简单;后者实现了机械臂的空间重复定位.最后,通过实验证明了所设计机械臂的合理性以及控制方法的有效性.


    Abstract: In view of the complexity of the driving mechanism, the large volume of the whole machine and the difficulty of modeling, a novel snake arm robot is proposed. Driven by a lever structure, the proposed robot uses a servo motor to control two driving ropes simultaneously, and thus the number of driving mechanisms and energy consumption are reduced. Orthogonal joints are used to realize closed-loop position control and simplify kinematic model. Further, tip following control and closed-loop position control are proposed to fit the different working environments. The former can improve the flexibility of the robot and simplify the control, while the latter can realize spatial repositioning control. Finally, the experiments show that the robot design is rational and the control method is effective.


