In order to achieve individualization of denture performance test for dental patients, the biomimetic maxilla and mandible structures installing a dental model are designed based on a 6PUS-2HKP spatial parallel biomimetic chewing robot with redundant actuation. In order to satisfy requirements of highly biomimetic chewing movements in the denture performance test, a parametric biomimetic planning method for the posterior teeth occlusion masticatory cycle is proposed on the basis of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) motion theories. Combining Lagrangian formulation and virtual work principle, dynamics of the actuation redundant chewing robot is deduced. The mathematics model of driving force optimal distribution of the actuation redundant chewing robot is established by means of genetic algorithm under 2 different optimization goals, i.e. minimal 2-norm of temporomandibular joint forces and minimal 2-norm of driving forces. Applying force-deformation curve of simulation food silicon rubber, which is obtained by food texture analyser, to the molar tooth of the chewing robot, chewing experiments on simulation food under occlusion masticatory cycle are carried out. The experiment results show that incisor trajectory shape, incisor velocity changing rules, and condylar motion forms, and so on, all conform to human chewing movements. Reasonable driving force optimal distribution results can be obtained under conditions with or without simulation food. The occlusion masticatory cycle experiment is carried out on the chewing robot with 6 actuation forces obtained by the simulation as the input. Prototype experiments and chewing experiments on simulation food demonstrate the bio-imitability of the parametric planning method for the posterior teeth occlusion masticatory cycle and the feasibility of the driving force optimal distribution method.