
Locating and Tracking Algorithm of Biomimetic Eye Based on Backpropagation Neural Network

  • 摘要: 为了实现仿生眼云台对视场内移动目标的快速定位跟踪,提出了一种通过仿生眼云台各个关节的联合转动,将被跟踪的目标物体实时维持在云台上2个工业相机所识别的视频画面中心的算法.结合人眼和头部的结构特点,设计了一个具有5个旋转自由度的双目仿生眼云台.应用BP(反向传播)神经网络对外部参数实时变化的双目3维测量结果进行了误差校正,并结合关节空间求解算法来求解云台各个旋转关节的转动角度.实验结果中,经过BP网络校正之后的测量值的平均绝对误差为2.1849mm,平均相对误差为0.0051.本文算法提高了3维测量精度,并且能实时计算关节旋转角度.


    Abstract: In order to realize rapid locating and tracking of a mobile target in the field of view by a biomimetic eye platform, a algorithm to maintain the target on the center of the video frames of two industrial cameras in real-time through joint rotation of each rotational degree of freedom on the biomimetic eye platform is proposed. A binocular biomimetic eye platform with 5 rotational degrees of freedom is designed based on the structural characteristics of human eyes and head. Backpropagation (BP) neural network is adopted to correct the error of binocular 3D measurement based on the dynamically changing external parameters, and the joint space algorithm is utilized to solve the rotation angle of each rotational degree of freedom. The experimental results show that the mean absolute error of the measured value after BP network correction is 2.1849 mm and the average relative error is 0.0051. The method proposed can improve the accuracy of 3D measurement and calculate the joint rotation angle in real time.


