
A Structural Optimization Design Method of Planar Hybrid Gripper

  • 摘要: 本文拟设计获得一种新型的 3 指节 2 指平面混合驱动夹持器,即每个手指的中间和末端指节通过绳轮结构实现欠驱动控制,然而近端指节为独立电机驱动控制.为此,提出了基于虚拟样机和 MATLAB 的欠驱动夹持器动力学分析方法来完成夹持器的结构优化设计.首先,对夹持器进行模型简化,得到了动力学分析模型,并确定了夹持器结构设计变量.其次,定义了 3 种性能指标,包括稳定性、柔顺性和适应性,来分析抓取质量.然后,通过对不同的机构设计参数进行组合并且进行批量化动力学模拟仿真,综合欠驱动夹持器在不同驱动力及不同物体、不同位置偏移情况下的评价指标,设计得到带权重的优化目标函数来应对不同的抓取场合.最后,针对室外采样的任务要求和仿真结果得出的结论,最终设计出一种手指模块化、指间距离可调的欠驱动夹持器的结构方案,该方案可以完成多指手的扩展.


    Abstract: This paper intends to develop a novel planar hybridly actuated two-finger gripper with three phalanxes, namely a kind of gripper whose intermediate and distal phalanxes are underactuated through cable-pulley, and proximal phalanx is driven by a separate motor otherwise. Therefore, a dynamic analysis method based on virtual prototype technology and MATLAB is proposed for the underactuated gripper to complete optimal structural design. Firstly, the gripper model is simplified for dynamic analysis, and the structure design variables of the gripper are determined. Secondly, three kinds of performance indexes are defined for grasp quality, including stability, flexibility and adaptability. Moreover, a comprehensive evaluation index is proposed for the underactuated gripper in the cases of different driving forces, different grasped objects as well as different initial poses through combining different mechanical design parameters and carrying out dynamics simulation in a batch process. Thus, an optimal objective function with weights is designed for different grasping cases. Finally, a structure scheme of underactuated gripper suitable for expansion of the multi-finger hand is designed according to the requirements of outdoor sampling mission and the simulation results, in which the distance between the modular fingers is adjustable.


