
Design and Analysis of a Multi-Module Snake Shaped Pipeline Grinding Robot

  • 摘要: 设计了一种由多个模块构成的蛇形管道打磨机器人,各个模块之间可以快速拆装,其中驱动模块为机器人在管道中前行提供动力牵引.该机器人可以主动适应内径为250 mm~450 mm的直管道、弯管道及其组合管道,可以在管道内部实现以打磨作业为主的作业功能.同时,提出了适用于蛇形管道打磨机器人自身过弯管的速度模型,通过对机器人的力学分析得出各个模块之间相互作用力的计算方法及影响机器人在管道内部转体运动发生的因素.在ADAMS软件中进行了虚拟样机仿真验证,初步验证了蛇形管道打磨机器人的通过性并得出机器人在管道内部前行的最佳匹配.最后,搭建了实验平台,制作了机器人真实样机,验证了机器人对内径为250 mm~450 mm管道的适应性、通过性及作业效果.


    Abstract: A snake shaped pipeline grinding robot composed of several modules is designed, in which each module can be quickly disassembled and assembled, and the driving module provides the power for the robot to move forward in the pipeline. The robot can actively adapt to the straight pipe, bent pipe and combined pipe with an inner diameter of 250 mm~450 mm, and can realize various operation functions in the pipe with an emphasis on grinding. A velocity model suitable for the snake shaped pipeline grinding robot to pass through a bent pipe is proposed. Through the mechanical analysis on the robot, a method for calculating the interaction force between different modules is deduced, and the factors affecting the robot rotation in the pipe are obtained. The virtual prototype simulation is carried out with ADAMS software, which verifies the trafficability of the snake shaped pipeline grinding robot, and obtains the optimal matching of the robot for moving inside the pipeline. Finally, an experimental platform is built and a physical prototype of the robot is manufactured to verify the adaptability, trafficability and operation effect of the robot in the pipeline with an inner diameter of 250 mm~450 mm.


