
Trotting Gait Control of the Quadruped Robot with an Elastic Linkage

  • 摘要: 为了提高四足机器人的运动性能和抗冲击能力,设计了一种具有弹性连杆机构和线驱动系统的四足机器人,称为LCS(linkage-cable-spring)四足机器人.借鉴SLIP(弹簧负载倒立摆)模型,提出了基于着地角的速度控制策略和基于能量补偿的质心高度控制策略.采用姿态控制策略来提高对角小跑步态的运动稳定性.仿真实现了给定前进速度条件下稳定的对角小跑步态.搭建LCS四足机器人样机实验平台,完成了踏步、对角小跑步态行走实验.实验结果表明,LCS四足机器人运动过程中机身翻滚和俯仰角能控制在2°以内,并能平稳通过10mm×10mm小型障碍物.


    Abstract: In order to improve the mobility and shock resistance of quadruped robots, a quadruped robot with elastic linkages and a cable-driven system is designed, named LCS (linkage-cable-spring) quadruped robot. And a speed control strategy is proposed based on the stance angle, and also the centroid height control strategy based on energy compensation, referring to SLIP (spring loaded inverted pendulum) model. The motion stability of trotting gait is improved by the attitude control strategy. Finally, a steady trotting gait is realized by simulation under a given forward speed. Meanwhile, an experimental prototype platform of the LCS quadruped robot is built, and the walking experiment of the stepping and trotting gaits is completed. The experimental results show that the roll and pitch angles of the LCS quadruped robot can be controlled within 2°, and the robot can steadily negotiate small obstacles with the size of 10mm×10mm.


