A Method For Generating Dynamic Security Warning Region in Robotic Teleoperation Based on Artificial Potential Field
Graphical Abstract
In order to avoid unnecessary collisions between robotic manipulators and environmental obstacles and to solve the problem that the "move-and-wait" phenomenon affects the security and efficiency of the robot system during robotic teleoperation.an algorithm for building dynamic security warning region based on artificial potential field is presented.The security warning region built by the algorithm based on equipotential surface theory can not only detect the distance between the robot and the environmental obstacles,but also provide a relatively secure region based on the velocity and acceleration of the robot to avoid collision in case the robot moves too fast at next time.Finally,a robotic teleoperation platform is built to run the quickfy-grab-target experiment with the help of the warning algorithm.Experiment proves that the algorithm is able to enhance the security and the efficiency of the robotic teleoperation.