Graphical Abstract
There is constant or variant propagation time delay in telerobotic systems, and it can conduct the instability of the robotic system and degrades human teleoperator's intuition and effectiveness. Multi-telerobotic system not only should overcome the affection of time delay, but also should work coordinately to accomplish complex tasks. This paper describes our development effort on the distributed predictive graphical simulation system for multi-teleoperat or mult-telerobot. In this paper, a virtual reality based distributed graphic predictive display system, which implements the predictive simulation for multi-telerobot and accommodates multi-teleoperator to teleoperate the robot of himself by the human machine interactive interface respectively, is developed, and a framework for multi-telerobot cooperation is proposed. Preliminary experimental results show that the system is effective to overcome the time delay and facilitate multi-operator to interact with multi telerobot, and it can be applied to future researches on robotic experiment in space station and the jointing of multi-aircraft.