Review of 3D Path Planning Methods for Mobile Robot
Graphical Abstract
A variety of three-dimensional path planning methods are divided into four categories according to their mod-eling principles.The working principles of those methods are introduced,and the advantages and disadvantages are pointed out in various applications.All of them are compared from the viewpoints whether they can be used in real-time and dy-namic environment,whether they can achieve smooth path and global planning,and whether they can add different dynamic constraints conveniently.Conclusions are drawn from the comparison that the method based on virtual potential field and navigation function is superior to others for its real-time performance and will be a priority in local planners.The method based on mathematic optimization is capable of dealing with a variety of dynamic constraints.In contrast to mathematic op-timization,the bio-inspired one is limited in solutions of long calling cycle for its large planning period although it is efficient to describe intractable constraints.