Labelling and Matching Line Drawings of an Object with Curved Surfaces
Graphical Abstract
Labelling and matching line drawings of an object with curved surfaces are impo-ttant but very difficult techniques in the study of Computer Vision.A new scheme tolabel line drawings of an object with curved surfaces is presented in this paper.Withthe introduction of some new labelling types of line segments,the scheme overcomesthe difficulty of inconsistency perfectly when using Huffman's labelling scheme tocurved surfaces.This paper also presents a new way to match the line drawings.During the matching process,we pay attention to not only the 2-D features of theimage,but also the more important 3-D features of the correspondent object of theimage.Because these 3-D features do not very with the movement of the object,thematching algorithm can suffer great changes in image structure resulting from the mo-tion of the object as rotation,occluding,scaling and perspective distortion.It is shownby an experiment that the algorithms work quite well.